Woman in Tub
How to Make Honey Saline Nasal Spray
Learn How to Make Your Own Inexpensive Natural Nasal Spray
Keywords: make, saline, nasal, spray, cheap, organic easy, natural

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As the mother of a child with asthma, I learned to use natural cold remedies to relieve cold symptoms for my son. A lot of the over-the-counter medications interacted with his asthma medicine, so I couldn't use those products for my son. Here is one of those natural remedies, and it really works well to clear sinus congestion. You can purchase nasal saline solution in a store. However, the price is unbelievable at $4.00 an ounce compared to pennies an ounce for making the same thing yourself in about 10 minutes. I make an 8 ounce batch and store it in the refrigerator so it's ready when needed. This is also a perfect solution for use with a nettie pot for relief of extreme sinus decongestion from colds or allergies.
The ingredients:
8 ounces distilled water
¼ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon sea salt (non-iodized)
¼ teaspoon Manuka honey
How to make:
In a small saucepan, bring the water to a gentle boil. Add all of the other ingredients. I always add the Manuka honey for it's anti-bacterial properties. When the salts have dissolved into the water, turn off the heat and allow to cool. Pour into a sterilized glass container with a cap. Store in the refrigerator.
How to use:
Pour into a Nasal Spray Bottle as needed. You don't want to store the saline solution in the Nasal Spray Bottle because you'll need to sterilize the bottle after every cold. To sterilize the bottle, just fill a small pot with water, place the spray bottle and top into the water. Bring the water to a gentle boil and then allow to cool.
Spray the fine mist into your nose, or tilt your head back and put drops into each nostril with an eyedropper, until you feel the urge to blow your nose. Repeat until your sinuses are clear. Finish with just one spray into each nostril. You can do this as often as needed to naturally relieve sinus congestion.
For babies and small children who don't know how to blow their nose, use only a couple drops of distilled water followed by a bulb syringe to gently remove the softened mucous.
Author, 2014 May 23, "Blah blah" New York Times http://www.blah.com
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